Lindsay Adler: Vocals, guitar, bouzouki
Barry Hall: Bombarde, bouzouki, whistles, didjeridu, percussion, vocals
Matthew Brown: Bass, flute, whistles
Ray Price: La Veuze (Breton bagpipe), English border bagpipe, alfaia (Brasilian drum), electric dulcimer, vocals, dance instruction
Have a listen to our new demos:
L'Alouette Est Sur La Branche
Brittany Morning (Mintin Breizh)
Binnie's Waltz
Hey guys, only the second track had a link at the end - it sounded good though, a bit like Tri Yann (which has to be a compliment)
Thanks for your kind words.
However, I've had four different people check the mp3 links and they are all "live."
Please check again and wait for them to load and enjoy! : )
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